I'm based in Bombay, grew up on a diet of city slush and mush, and love the outdoors as much as I do the city.
Professionally, I freelance as a UI Developer / Front-End Designer and am completely nuts (read passionate) about CSS and experimenting with taking it to a whole new level.
I keep in touch with current web standards for front-end development and work with some really cool people. Writing code gives me immense pleasure. I occasionally write for Smashing Magazine and have published two courses on Pluralsight.
I work with responsive solutions to common UX problems for websites and single page application development. I've been freelancing with CoLab since the past ten years and take up interesting projects on the side.
I'm also an author and have published a series of three books. The Chronicles of Capherayna is now available on Amazon. If you're into magical realism and literary fiction, you may want to check it out here.
I'm also crazy about urban gardening, composting, documenting flora in the city, roaming around in random forests, alternative healing therapies, making new recipes and hangin' out with the boys (whoever the boys may be at a particular point in time).
This is my love offering to the world wide web and its citizens.
Image source: The late Carl David Pereira