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Book Covers of The Chronicles of Capherayna series

Every book cover in The Chronicles of Capherayna series has two elements in common: a full moon and a creature that features in the book.
The colour palette changes with each book, matching the mood and tone of the story.

Safe Passage Book Cover

Background: The linear gradient in the background merges ashes of roses with teal. 
Ashes of roses is the colour of a vintage dress worn by a lady who appears at a pivotal moment in the story. Teal is the colour of the blue-green lichen that hugs the base of the chrysocolla tree.

Chrysocolla: The trunk of the chrysocolla is faintly visible in the lower half of the cover.

Vortex: The top left of the cover depicts the mythical vortex in the border forest that is known to swallow anything that enters its field.

Moon: The full moon is present on all covers in the series. The Lightbender's relationship to the moon is referenced  in multiple chapters in the books.

Falcon: A falcon divebombs the Lightbender as he hang glides back to the borderlands. The ensuing accident leads to a discovery in the heart of the forest.

The book cover depicts a falcon on a full moon night, watching a large tree with blue-green lichen on its trunk.

The Dawn Chorus Book Cover

Background: The water-themed background shows the Dorsfield river in two avatars—wild and undeveloped on one side of the bank and commercially developed on the other.

Skyline: The skyline of Dorsfield is radiant at dawn and dusk. Skyscrapers are juxtaposed with half-timber houses.

Moon: The full moon is present on all covers in the series. The Lightbender's relationship to the moon is referenced in multiple chapters in the books.

Dragonfly: Dragonflies are used as metaphors to describe the ephemeral nature of things. They appear as exoskeletons on the river bank and hover by old filament bulbs in homes in Dorsfield.
The book cover depicts a dragonfly over a full moon at dawn, watching the riverine skyline of Dorsfield.

The Half Light Book Cover

Background: Since the mythical fairies of the half light appear at dawn and dusk, the cover reflects the rising and setting sun.

Wildflowers: The female protagonist collects wildflowers growing by the roadside and turns them into beautiful floral arrangements. It is her way of bringing beauty into a cruel world.

Willow Cherry Tree: The silhouette of a willow cherry tree is seen over the sun on the cover. The tree grows wild by the river bank of Dorsfield, and is the first chapter in the female protagonist's journey.

Moon: The full moon is present on all covers in the series. The Lightbender's relationship to the moon is referenced in multiple chapters in the books.

Kingfisher: A kingfisher flies over the moon on the top right of the cover. The bird is spotted near the Ionic columns in the palace's chapel courtyard when it hunts for fish in the nearby koi pond.

The book cover depicts a kingfisher over the setting sun, watching wildflowers under the moonlight.


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